Chinese Business Relations – Stephen McCane

America's Debt / Radio Shows

September 24, 2012

Christopher Riley talks with his partner Stephen McCane, liaison to Chinese business relations.  McCane discusses the Chinese culture and the necessity for American business to respect and understand the Chinese before engaging in any business negotiations.  Steve is one of several dozen fluent Mandarin-speaking Americans over 50 that does not work for the government. After 40 years of working with Chinese/American businesses, Steve handles negotiations and acts as a liaison to American businesses domestically and overseas.

Listen in as Riley and McCane outline the difficult playing field of Chinese relations and how to level the playing field if your business is getting ready to enter negotiations with the Chinese – as many American businesses are quickly finding out is happening more frequently than we know.

GL Radio 9-24-12 Chinese Liaison – Steve McCane by Giving Legacy Radio

Giving Legacy

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