Understanding the Medicare Debt Bomb
September 5, 2012
Christopher Riley outlines part I of this series on why Medicare is the driving force behind our country’s debt bomb ready to go off in the very near future. Listen in as the Giving Legacy organization challenges Congress to stop kicking this problem down the road so our Children of Tomorrow have the same chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If we don’t resolve this issue, there is no point in negotiating on the remaining items in the budget. Understanding the Medicare debt bomb is this country’s number one issue and all elected officials and voting citizens need to understand this issue or it is fiscally irresponsible to leave this problem to the Children of Tomorrow.
Giving Legacy 9-05-12 Medicare Explanation by Giving Legacy Radio
September 7, 2012
Christopher Riley outlines Part II of this critical topic of understanding the Medicare Debt Bomb. The Giving Legacy organization is challenging all elected officials to understand Medicare, and the debt ramifications before continuing to serve in Congress. Americans should not vote for a federal candidate if they have not convinced the American people that this will be their priority by showing their debt reduction plan for Medicare.
Understanding Medicare – Part II Giving Legacy Radio by Giving Legacy Radio