State of the Union – for the Children of Tomorrow

America's Debt / Education / Health Care / Housing & Human Services / Radio Shows

December 12, 2012,

Christopher Riley addresses the nation with his version of the state of the union address.  With an added twist, Riley challenges President Obama to include opening remarks focused on saving the Children of Tomorrow from a fiscal crisis of fatal proportions.  As the representative of the Children of Tomorrow, the citizens that have yet to be born in this country, Riley outlines the state of financial affairs in the country and explains to the American people why our current debt burden in the United States is over $70 Trillion rather than the $16 Trillion most people are used to hearing.

This is a must listen as the future of America is at stake and Riley calls out Washington to do their job and protect the sustainability of the country or based on a paragraph in the Declaration of Independence, We the People will alter the government’s path and replace the representatives not compromising to resolve America’s fiscal crisis.

Part I

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO: Giving Legacy State of the Union Address 12-12-12

Part II

Christopher Riley challenges all leaders in Washington to stop their political tug-of-war games and solve this debt crisis and avoid a fiscal cliff that will send our country deep into a recession.  However, just avoiding the fiscal cliff is not enough.  We have to resolve a $38.6 trillion shortage in our Medicare and Social Security trust funds.  Riley delivers what he wants President Obama to deliver on January 29, 2013 in his State of the Union address on behalf of the Children of Tomorrow.  Telling the American people the truth is the first step in bringing all Americans together to wage war on our national debt.

Listen to what the Children of Tomorrow and the American people deserve to hear on January 29, 2013 and then on January 29th see if our President echoes the truth and facts that America deserves to hear.

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO: Giving Legacy Presidential State of the Union Address 12-12-12

CLICK HERE TO WATCH the YouTube video on the State of the Union by Christopher Riley

Commentary by Christopher Riley

Christopher Riley further explains his State of the Union address and points out the critical facts that all Americans should have in front of them when they listen to the President’s State of the Union address.  If you don’t hear those facts, then we have a big problem because these facts are threatening the sustainability of our country.  Our Medicare and Social Security Trust Funds are $38.6 trillion short.  Medicare is insolvent and if not changed today will force much more severe changes for the Children of Tomorrow.  Riley outlines his $25 trillion Giving Legacy Plan that will help rebuild our communities and take care of our most vulnerable citizens while building our Gross Domestic Product.  Listen in to this critical commentary and be prepared for the State of the Union address on January 29, 2013.

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO: Giving Legacy Union Address Conclusion Part II

Giving Legacy

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